Wednesday 29 April 2015

The 10 weeks may be over, but the lifestyle challenge has just started!

Week 10 is over!

I have finished the 10 week challenge. It went so quickly that I can't actually believe it's over.
As you know a wee while ago I ditched the scales as they were playing mind games on me. So I have been looking forward to getting my before and after photos as they would tell all.

There isn't drastic changes however there is certainly changes! Everything looks smoother and slightly smaller than the before. So I am happy! Sara from the Nutritionist from the challenge has pointed out that I look stronger and my posture is much better - must be the CrossFit workouts! Even a small change is great as that means I will be able to continue the lifestyle and keep it off forever!!!

I also reached a massive milestone today. I went shopping, and brought a pair of jeans! I have not owned a pair of jeans in probably 5 years minimum. Not only did a buy a pair of jeans I got told by the sales lady I needed to go down a size! I was over the moon, I sent a text out to my family and close friends celebrating. It was such a great feeling and I feel great wearing them and want to show off.

The 10 Week Challenge has done wonders to me over the last few months. It has changed how I think about food, it allows me to eat healthy but food I enjoy too, it also gives the freedom to create your own food while following the guidelines.

I am so happy I joined this challenge and started training at CrossFit Christchurch. The 10 weeks may be over, but the lifestyle challenge has just started!

Tyler :)

Sunday 29 March 2015

Week 9

This week was a tough one for me when it came to challenges! For a start, I didn't go to CrossFit at all this week. Because I was away on Hockey Tournament! 

There was my first problem food wise. I was away for most of the week in Palmerston North where all food is pre catered for you. I knew it was going to be tough before I went. However I thought I did really well. One night we had a bbq. I ate meat and salad. No bread! Easy! I still looked normal, eating like everyone else. Nobody even noticed that I wasn't eating the garlic bread or sausey in bread haha. 
The lunches were harder as they were pre packed. The consisted of a bread roll, an apple, a muesli bar, and some crackers. Well the one thing I was allowed, being the able, I can't eat because I'm allergic! So I did the best I could there. I ate the insides of the bun and stole a few bananas from friends.
The breakfast again was easy. They had lots of fruit, poached eggs, bacon and sausages. Along with many other things I couldn't eat. However I stuck to my guns and ate them!

The exercise of playing 2 hockey games a day was great! But boy was I shattered. Im still recovering! I didn't get many photos, as because it was a tournament didn't have my phone on me that often.

However! The one photo I did get was my choice of lunch at the airport. It was a roast Vege salad! Perfect! I was over the moon when I saw it as an option. It didn't have any flavouring so was a bit dull, but good to get those veges in me!

Tyler :)

Thursday 19 March 2015

Week 8

So this week I over came a huge fair of mine! Well several to be honest!

I got Pat from CrossFit to take some photos of me so I could add them to my blog. Never ever ever would I let anyone take photos of me working out, and or for that fact, share them with other people! However I did and here they are:

Another accomplishment this week at CrossFit was I started pushing myself harder. I stepped up to the next level on several of the exercises.
Now when doing box jumps, instead of just stepping up, I actually jump! I asked for a slightly smaller box than what everyone else uses. But I still jump! And I'm so happy that I'm getting fitter and stronger.

Second one was pull ups. Normally I do a ring row, which is the easiest version. But this week I asked to do them like other people, sitting underneath and pulling up. And sure enough I did them! It wasn't easy, that's for sure. And I couldn't lift my arms for several days afterwards (no joke haha) but I did it!

I'm so proud of myself for stepping up to the next level and seeing things that there was no way I would have done several weeks ago!

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Week 7

This week has been good. Lots better than last week food wise. Not so much better exercise wise! I got out on the hockey turf for the first time since last season and really hurt my back! I couldn't get out of bed, walk or anything! So I didn't manage to get to CrossFit last week :( and I was gutted! I wanted to go! Anyway, I'll make up for it this week :)

I had a moment this week, while out for lunch with my mum and dad. I was looking at the menu, and really wanted my all time fave, pasta. I reeeeally wanted it. However, as I kept scrolling, I saw a chicken and bacon salad. And for once, in my ENTIRE LIFE, I wanted that more! It's insane! I can't believe it! I don't know what it was, but that's what I wanted most. My mum was shocked, she couldn't believe it. She says to me, pretty much on a weekly basis, that she is noticing me eat things that I normally wouldn't.  Anyway, my salad was great. The chicken did have panko crumbs on it. And I did ask for without, but it was pre crumbed so couldn't. But hey, a wee few panko crumbs compared to a massive bowl of pasta! I know which option is better :)

PS - Sorry I missed out last week, it was a bit hectic with work!

Saturday 28 February 2015

Week 5

This week has been my worst one yet. I haven't had bad food or anything I'm not allowed. Just organisation has been terrible. Well, there's hasn't been any at all! I followed one of the meals on the plan, that's it for the week. I did warn it was a shocker!

Moving on now. Drawing a line in the sand and starting again this coming week. I have a two major goals for this week. First one being vegetables! I need to eat way more than these. I eat heaps of kumara as is, but need to get into the green veges. And lots of them! So my first goal for the week is veges! 

My second goal is the meal plan obviously. If I can't stick to it 90% I will be happy. I need to get my organisation back into line and start sorting myself out again. Let's be honest, it's not like I have to think of what to have every night! It's easy, I just need to get it sorted. 

Third goal for the week, and not even kidding, this has been a goal my entire life! Is getting up earlier. Even an hour earlier. I'm the type of person that if I need to leave the house by 11am, I'll get out of bed by 10.30, showered make up and in the car. This causes problems in many ways, a) no breakfast. B) rushing all the time. C) no time for normal house type activities! No washing on the line, no bed made, no dishwasher unpacked. D) if I got up an hour earlier I could take the dog for a walk! 

This challenge for me is a whole lifestyle change. And I need to get into the swing of it myself. So a few goals. I'll work on them slowly. I don't expect them to come over night that's for sure. Like i said, since I was born I have liked sleeping in :)k

The scales are still the stress in my life. Again showing no changes. All my previous measurements are wrong because my tape measure from China is drastically out. So until I get another I don't know if I have changed. My family say they are noticing the difference. Myself personally am not. And it's tough. Seeing a difference is a huge motivator to keep going. And not seeing it makes it really really hard. Just trying to stay positive and have trust in Sara and Elora!

Monday 16 February 2015

Week 4

This week has thrown me a whole lot of new challenges. I am craving like crazy!!!! I want dumplings and teriyaki balls and burgers and sandwiches and noodles!! Everything I'm not allowed I am craving…like crazy! I was at Riccarton Mall during the week, and if I hadn't had my friend with me I would have gone and brought dumplings. It was only because she stopped me that I didn’t go and get them. The entire way there I was talking myself up, getting excited to eat them. Even when I was at the mall I was still determined to get them. I was craving so bad and was determined to get them and nothing was going to stop me! However…my best friend stopped me. It wasn’t an easy task I can tell you that much. But we managed a compromise. We ended up getting Chinese, and I got chicken cashew nut, with no rice might I add!

The cravings are really starting to bring me down. I feel like I'm only a tummy rumble away from going on a binge. I'm pretty safe in my own household…as there is nothing there that is bad for me. But its when I'm unorganised or get hungry unexpectedly…or even when I'm not hungry but just crave! I haven't really learnt anyway to overcome these cravings yet. I have just been putting up with them really. Sometimes I will just eat something else I really like instead. Like bacon and eggs or similar. But I really hope I don’t let loose as don’t want to go backwards…which has been the case with every other diet I have ever tried. 

CrossFit is going great. I FINALLY managed to get the courage to write my goal on the whiteboard. I felt like a bit of a plonker putting my goal up. Everyone else's goals were massive!! Huge fitness goals which were really impressive. I have about 100million goals I could right up there. But I started with something very achievable and that wont take me years to accomplish.  Because I can always right up another one! So my goal was to complete 1 (at least) full males push up. For as long as I can remember I haven't been able to do a full press up, barely a females press up. So that is my goal and I cant wait to be able to do one  :)

Food wise has been good this week. I went out for brunch and asked the staff to make me a ham and cheese omelette, even though it wasn’t on the menu. And they did! Which I was very thankful for. It came with bread…but I didn’t eat it ! Also like stated above, before a party on Saturday we got Chinese. I got chicken and vegetables with cashew nuts. We were talking as a group re our go to meals if we have nothing organised. Mine is definitely Kumara hash and eggs. I have grated a whole lot of Kumara using my mums food processor and have it in the fridge ready. So if all else fails, I make a Kumara pattie and some eggs and I feel great. It fills me up, and bonus, it tastes great!! 

I'm loving the support of my family. My mum has made me some great meals. And amazing stir fry, which was devine! With some kumara hash on the side. You will see it in the photos attached. Really yummy and makes it easier having their support.

It has again been a large mental game for me re the scales. I get on them at the same time every week, first thing in the morning on a Monday. And again, for the second week in a row…my weight says the exact same. It got me down this week, not going to lie. I'm probably being a little harsh on myself…as I'm still not over the moon as I haven't noticed any changes in my clothing.

But I can't be doing this great lifestyle change and not have any changes so that’s what I keep thinking :)

P.S. The egg photo is how different my fridge is! Only got them a few days ago and they are already mostly gone!! I'm going through dozens a week! 

Thursday 12 February 2015

Week 3

This week has been a lot different than the other two weeks. I wasn't organised on the Sunday when it came to planning the for the food that was on my meal plan. To be completely honest I barely looked at it. I was very unorganised in that perspective. However it did make me realise that I am now fully aware with what I am allowed and what I'm not. I had a great week, eating only food I can, with no slip ups! I followed the guidelines 100% and just found my own food to make with the food I had in the pantry. I managed to make it through really well. 

My family are really starting to get on board. I went around to my parents for dinner and dad made an amazing roast lamb meal. He ensured he picked out the potato and other vegetables I couldn't eat. Also didn't give me any stuffing! However he did put gravy on mine, but I didn't have the heart to tell him after he had tried so hard so just sucked it up and ate it anyway :)

I am still really enjoying CrossFit. I am starting to meet new people and the coaches are getting to know me by name which is great. Makes you feel so much more comfortable and encouraged to go. One day I will ask one of them to take a few photos of me doing a work out so I can add it to my blog, I'm just not game enough to see what I look like all hot and sweaty yet! Another bonus of CrossFit, no mirrors on every wall!! :-P

This week was a real mental game for me. I got on the scales and was the exact same weight as last week. I really had to convince myself not to get down. It was really hard but I got there in the end. I decide that the scales are not everything, yes they are a big part. But there is no way that I can be eating filling healthy foods and exercising 3 times a week and have no change to my body! So even though the scales didn't say what I wanted them to, I had to put my chin up and know that my body was changing. Who knows, maybe some of those kilos are turning to muscle :)